Grand Hotel dei Castelli - Sestri Levante (GE)

Visit the website of the Hotel dei Castelli

Booking on-line


Dicembre 2018


Dicembre 2018

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  • Book on the website of the Hotel dei Castelli Best Rate Guaranteed
  • Book on the website of the Hotel dei Castelli Customer Service
  • Book on the website of the Hotel dei Castelli No extra charge
  • Book on the website of the Hotel dei Castelli Exclusive offers
  • Book on the website of the Hotel dei Castelli Immediate Confirmation

Work with us

Grand Hotel dei Castelli, the Pool of Castelli and the Rrestaurant ai Castelli is like a big family
consisting of a large team of professionals, which contribute to making our service impeccable.
If you are interested in a possible career in our hotel please send your curriculum vitae to the following address:

We will register your CV in our human resources office and for a future free position we will contact you.
Those interested in a collaboration with our hotel are requested to submit a detailed curriculum vitae, together with a photo and the authorization of processing of personal data according to Law 196, 2003, at the following e-mail address: